CORE ColoringTM
Create opportunities for families and educators to authentically engage in learning together through family significant literature.
What is CORE ColoringTM?
Loving adults and educators share a common core mission, to enrich and enhance the learning process of the children in their lives. CORE coloring is a parallel learning process that uses family significant facts exemplified in children’s literature through joint lesson activity development via common core framework. The result is the reduction of silos in the process of educating students.
What does it look like?
A series of (4) 90 minute training sessions facilitated by the Big Red Bird team that dually and authentically engage loving adults/students and educators with the goal of intentionally infusing color (family significant facts; music, food, dance art, etc.) in to lesson plans and the classroom. Lesson plans are then presented to the class by the loving adult with the support of thier student. These training sessions are accompanied by mentoring by Big Red Bird staff, booster sessions and refelection sessions.
For more information contact the Big Red Bird Core Coloring Team at,